"Walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit." Romans 8:1
Our Church's great need today is spiritually mature Christians who will proclaim clearly their faith in Christ and then live that faith in their daily lives. The Church's strength is the strength of its members. Our community needs a strong Church, and the world needs a strong Church.
The Bible classifies all mankind under 3 Categories:
1. The Natural man
2. The Carnal man
3. The Spiritual man
I - The Natural Man - He cannot understand God's beautiful message. Why? Because the lines of communication are broken and he cannot hear what God is saying. Just as a tone-deaf person cannot appreciate music. The Holy Spirit does not live within the natural man, thus he cannot discern spiritual things. He sees nothing wrong with perverted life-styles that is why our nation and our world are facing so many problems today, high crime rates and lawlessness.
II - The Carnal Man - is compared to that of a "diamon diferous" (mineral which is half-diamond-half charcoal) as miners call, because this material should have been diamond but it stopped short in its development. It's just like copper that is on its way to become gold, but by some accident of nature it stopped short of its development. The Carnal man is like half-diamond-half -charcoal and copper. He started out to be Christian but stopped short. He is controlled by his own desires. Paul speaks of Carnal Christians as "Babes In Christ" (1 Cor. 3:1). They are not knowledgeable in the Scriptures, they have little or no prayer life. They are spiritual dwarfs.
III - The Spiritual Man - He walks, works, and has wisdom of Christ. He "walks" worthily, honorable, morally admirable, with highest honor. He "works" fruitfully, diligently, persevering, tireless, quietly and steadily with enthusiasm. (1 Cor. 10:31). He has the "wisdom" by allowing what God teaches to make a difference in our lives. He always pleases God by searching the Scripture. He has a reputation not because he knows the Bible but because he obeys what the Bible tells. Obeying God's word gives him more reputation because it is not what he knows but what he does that counts. His wisdom begins with God, leads to right living, and results in increased ability to tell right from wrong.
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