"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise which having no guide, overseer or ruler, provided her meat in the summer and gathered her food in the harvest."
(Proverbs 6:8-10)
It's amazing that one of the smallest of God's creatures can become one of His greatest teacher, the ant. God often does his mightiest words to the lowly not on big creatures. The lessons that ANT teaches us can be summarized in this way- (ANTS Acronym):
I- A- Attitude of Initiative - You can see in the ants the attitude of initiative. Ants don't need commander to tell them to get started. "I must work the works of him that sent me." (John 9:4)
We need church workers w/out being told, who are willing to bear "the burden and heat of the day"
In the days of the stagecoach, a man undertook a journey. He was informed that there were first, second, and third class passengers. However, all the seats on the coach looked alike to him, so he purchased a third class ticket. All went well for a time and man was congratulating himself upon having saved some money. Presently they came to the foot of a very steep hill, when the driver stopped the horse and shouted:
"First class passengers, keep your seats."
"Second class passengers, get out and walk."
"Third class passengers, get out and push behind."
What we need in our Church are third class passengers. Those who will push! Not first class passengers who are contented to sit and look while the others are working. Not second class passengers who are willing to walk away when real work comes. But third class passengers who are willing to bear hardships for God's work."
II -N - Nature of Integrity - Ants work faithfully and need no outside accountability to keep them doing right. "Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart." (Ephesians 6:6). "Enthusiastic service comes from within and not having to be coerced by external pleasure." Jesus has done so much for us; what can we do for him? Let us begin to exhaust ourselves in service for Him.
III -T - Thirst for Industry - Ants work hard and will replace their anthill when it gets rained. As the song goes: "Toiling on, toiling on, let us hope, let us watch, and labor till the Master comes."
IV -S - Source of Insight - Ants store provisions in summer. "The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." (Proverbs 30:25). Ants teach us preparation, knowing that Christ's return will be sudden, should motivate us always to be prepared. "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust corrupt; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust corrupt." (Matthew 16:19-21). At the time of death, each of us will wish, we had invested less on earth where we must leave it and more in heaven where we will retain it forever. This is the time to check our investments and see where we have invested most then do something about it. The issue is not how much we have, but what we do with what we have.
(Messages By: Rev. Teofilito A. Rufon)
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