"Casting all your care upon Him, for he careth for you." 1 Peter 5:7
The word Christ is not a name but a title. It is the Greek word "Christos" which means "Messiah" the Anointed One. In the Bible only the Prophet, the Priest and the King are anointed with oil. The Prophetic , the Priestly and the Kingly offices are all the works of Jesus.
I - He Is The Christ Who Walks With Men - Jesus' mission is to redeem, not to condemn. He always asks "where art thou?" especially to those who have gone astray. God always walks with us. Like Peter when Jesus walked with him during the storm. We too sometimes have storms in life. God may allow His people to be tried with season and to be tossed to and fro by storms of trouble but never let them forget that winds, waves and storms are all Christ's servant. They cannot move without permission.
II - He Is The Christ Who Cares For The Problems Of Men - A certain woman was sick for 12 years with a blood disease was physically, financially and spiritually burdened, but because of her faith, she was healed by Jesus. The woman is a picture of all people. Physically we move toward death, financially money cannot buy what one needs and spiritually sin separates us from God. In 1 Peter 5:7, God is asking us to cast all our care upon Him, for He careth to all of us. As the famous song has this to impart us: "There is no problem too big He cannot solve it, If He'll carry the weight of the world upon His shoulders, I know my brother the He will carry you." "He said come unto Me all who are weary and I will give you rest."
III - He Is the Christ Who Sets The Hearts Of Men On Fire - God commissions us to get moving especially if we are defeated by fear, facing temptation, weary of financial woes, family conflicts, etc. Jesus will give us strength and burning passion like an eagle soaring high so that we will not be tired and weary of doing good. We must always set our hearts on fire by fixing our eyes on Him.
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