Our life is also shaped by God. Our physical body is only formed from the dust of the ground. Adam and Eve were created without soul. Our bodies became meaningful and priceless when God breath His life into our (Adam and Eve's) nostril. We became the "living soul". Therefore we define Death-as "the departing of soul from the body". So we must learn to value our life because it is a "Mysterious Gift" that God gave us. God is our vine and we are the branches. Without Him we can do nothing.
Our life is also sacred because it came directly from God. Body and soul are inseparable. If our body commit sin, soul also sins. Therefore our doings should be committed to serve God. We should satisfy Him. What task has God assigned you? Establish a home? Strengthen a marriage? Lead a family? Support a ministry? Serve a church? Check your attitude toward your assignment. Do you complain? Ignore? Reject or do you enjoy? The more difficult the task, the greater the joy because it enables us to see the power of God. Thanks to God!! He gave us joy...a lasting joy...in spite of troubles...not just temporary happiness...if only we fit ourselves and follow His original design.
(From Rev. Teofilito A. Rufon's Messages @ Odiongan Baptist Church Inc. )
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