"...God created... all kinds of creatures that live in the water..and blessed them...and told them... to reproduce and to fill the sea.." Genesis 1:21-22
The captivating and alluring white beach of Sitio Binucot in Barangay Bunsoran, Municipality of Ferrol, Province of Romblon, Philippines is one among the many niches of Baby Green Sea Turtles in the world. Last January 11, 2010, 62 baby species of Olive Ridley ( Lepidochelys olivacea) were released to the seas of Binucot Beach.
Also, last April 20, 2010, 63 eggs of Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) were successfully hatched and released to the sea . The turtles were guarded and taken care of for 2 months by Mr. Ra
ymund G. Inocencio, an employee of Provincial Government's Environment and Natural Resources Office (ENRO) and the family who lived there, Mr. and Mrs. Leon I. Loquinto.

According to the residents , two species of sea turtles are are hatching in the beach. The Olive Ridley and the Green Sea Turtles. Of the seven endangered species of sea turtles in the world, it was estimated that 4 are spotted in Binucot. They were the Olive Ridley, Green Sea, Hawksbill, and the Leatherback sea turtles.
The wastes of the "pawikan" (local dialect for sea turtles) serve as a nutrient and a fertilizer to the "lusayan" (seagrass beds). Pawikans help in the balance of "bahuras" (coral reefs) and lusayan. The coral reefs and the seagrass beds serves as the breeding grounds for marine life. If these are not protected, marine ecology will be disrupted.
In response to this, the Provincial Government Office's ENRO, in coordination with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office, and the Municipal Government of Ferrol, created a Pawikan Center which includes Hatchery Station (breeding grounds) and Rescue Center. Among the Municipal Officials who spearh
eaded in the creation of the center were Tourism Officer Arturo M. Muros, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Chairman, Mr. Ernie A. Falo, Barangay Officials led by Barangay Captain Generoso F. Mercano and the nearby residents.

The Pawikan Center will protect and rescue the sea turtles in the coming years. The center will also help boast the Tourism Industry and in the livelihood and income of the residents.
(Taken with permission from Mr. Raymund G. Inocencio, Provincial Government of Romblon).
I can only help in preserving this place of the world through my blog. I said preserve this paradise. If you can, in your physical capacity being there always in Odiongan, organize a movement or a group that will be personally involved in the preservation of the beach and the green sea turtles. I think that will be a contribution enough. Go - on Bro. Be a Green Earth Warrior!