My Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and of the thoughts and intents of the heart - The Bible (Hebrews 4:12)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
It Is Well With My Soul
Friday, May 21, 2010
Amigos Para Siempre-(JERANJIM)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Our Church
The Mayflower
Every day, I waited patiently what the Mayflower would look like. There were lots of challenges: the cross-stitch has a lot of back-stitches and half-stitches. My wife suffered stiff-necks and double vision that made it more difficult to finish. What a patience in my wife's part. Until finally it was finished. An alive cross-stitch of "The Mayflower".
What is the Mayflower anyway? What made me like it? According to one of our close family friends and church member, it was the ship which the Pilgrims took to sail from Plymouth England going to New England (now America) on September 16, 1620. Aboard the ship were 102 men, women, and children running away from religious persecutions in England. On November 21, the Mayflower dropped anchor in Provincetown, Massachussetts. The Pilgrims drew up THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT. All adult male passengers on the ship were required to sign it. Under this covenant, "government will be based on the consent of the governed" (majority rule), thus an important precedent in the birth of democracy in America and the whole world.
Today our Mayflower is alive...unfaded...hanged on the walls in the sala in our house portraying its waves hammering the ship . Thanks to my wife and my brother bar.
Monday, May 17, 2010
N.A.R.S. Mission: Sibale Island
But they were all wrong because when they set foot in the island, it was a great "adventure" for them. The island is "Beautiful". For them it was a "Paradise" because of its captivating beaches and shorelines and serene peaceful bluish sea waters. If asked again to return, they would say yes.
Currently the Concepcion Health Center has no physician. The last time it had a doctor was 2008 under the DOH's "Doctors-to-the-Barrio" program. It lasted for only two years . Only a nurse is taking good care of the community's health. Purely Primary Health Care. Secondary and Tertiary Levels of care are being done in neighboring islands Tablas and Mindoro and in the capital city of Manila. The good thing in Concepcion, is the people are hospitable and peace loving. You can see in their faces the smiles where one would be touched. I say this because I've been to this place some time 2004. Prince and his companions enjoyed the place. Before they left the Rural Health Unit, a "Last Night Party" was conducted. It was a happy night of dancing and drinking and eating in the Town Plaza offered by the officials and the people. To the young was a mission accomplished.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
My Family

Friday, May 7, 2010
Our Class Reunion-Some Lessons Learned
1. PROMISING CLASSMATES. There are classmates who will promise to help you but they will not. They may even commit to handle or support an activity, but in the end they will tell you..I'm busy. They will not show up anymore. They are those who said I will attend but they did not.
2. TRUE-TO-HIS-WORDS CLASSMATES. They are those who are true to their promises or classmates with "Word of Honor". They are very supportive. Most of them are very honest.
3. PASSIVE CLASSMATES. They are those who just want to "receive and not give." They are those who just "wait and see". They are those who "do not seek and do not knock". They are not supportive.
4. ACTIVE CLASSMATES. They are those who are very helpful and industrious. They are very cooperative. They are often dynamic and has healthy lifestyle. They have concerns to others.
5. PESSIMISTIC CLASSMATES. Negativistic ones. They are those who always criticize. They are those who say to others it was a no good activity when in fact they were not even present to see what are those things they're criticizing of. They discourage others.
6. OPTIMISTIC CLASSMATES. They are those who are not so much learned but boasts your morale to overcome difficulties. They tend to cheer you up and make you smile. They are the classmates with positive mental attitude.
7. CORRUPT CLASSMATES. They take advantage in to gain personal aggran
8. INCORRUPT CLASSMATES. Generous classmates. Willing to share even to lose his personal wealth. They are trustworthy, sincere and good workers in the government, private , business etc.
There are still a lot of lessons to be learned from this reunion. Lessons "universal" to all and experienced in our daily life. Lessons I know some of my classmates knew too and these are "reminders". But these are only some. In general and to be fair, most of my classmates are kind and did well during the reunion. Perhaps we just need to talk more. Only some still continue to make foolishness. I pray that our Class will strive to work well. Asking God's guidance every day. Each of us will live equipped with "Lessons in Life" that will serve as an inspiration and a blessing to all.
In the end I have many classmates and people to be thanked of. Deep in my heart though positive or negative, I still thank God for everything for I have learned a lot from them. Putting into life practice good ones and setting aside bad ones. After all, all of us will attend our final alumni homecoming...Reunion with the Lord. God is showing us of a concrete example of good and evil reunion in this world. It's up for us to choose.
I take this opportunity to thank all my classmates who have helped me during the 3-day reunion, foremost of whom is our Class President Marichelle F. Aldaya who worked in our reunion "in absentia" status. I used to call her "Mach" and is until today. Although working in Dubai, Mach responsibly and continuously dispensed her job as our President and unceasingly thought of better ideas for our classmates always every now and then. She coordinated with our classmates here and abroad. In fact, in this reunion, Mach did the greatest part. Although I am working as Chairman, Mach was actually the one who propelled the reunion to success. Using her creativity and styles she worked in our reunion very well. Thank you Mach.
And to Carlito Faina, Ireen Villamin-Famero, Maela Alvar-Yap, Ana Liza Felia-Ebreu, Ally Falcunitin-Ikehara, Pastor Jhonmark Rufon, Freddierick Federico, Dr. Annabelle Fallesgon and Dr. Alice Mendoza-Ayordo, Emalyn Fabiala-Fortunato to all special friends here and abroad..Raymund, Chris and Marla, Clint, Ida, Jimmel Fabra my bestfriend, Dr. Johnah and to her Mom, Madam Amparo Galicia who was our Guest Speaker. Thank you very much.